Credit Repair & Credit Recovery

Graduation Requirements - Credit Assistance Program

The goal of the credit assistance program is to provide high school students with opportunities to recover credit to satisfy county and state academic requirements. These opportunities will allow students to demonstrate mastery and earn credit that will apply toward graduation requirements.

Students who need to make up credits should email and request an appointment to speak with the GHS graduation coach, Dr. Elam.

Credit Repair

Students earning a grade between 60% - 69% shall be allowed the opportunity to complete a remediation prescription as assigned by the original teacher of record. Upon completion of a minimum of 25 hours of content remediation in the areas of deficiency and successful performance on the summative assessment, a student will receive a passing grade of 70% for the original course. The original grade on the transcript will be changed to a 70 posted to the transcript at no later than the end of the semester in which the credit repair is completed.

Credit Recovery

Credit deficient students who did not pass a course (and who do not qualify for credit repair) will complete the computer-based course. In non-EOC courses, the grade reported in Edgenuity will be the grade posted on the student’s transcript at no later than the end of the semester in which the course is completed. In EOC courses, the final grade reported will comprise the final grade in Edgenuity (80%) and the EOC score (20%). The grade will be posted on the student’s transcript no later than the end of the semester in which the course is completed. The failing grade from the original class will remain on the transcript. Priority for credit recovery will be given to graduating seniors, then juniors, then sophomores and then freshmen on a first come, first serve basis. Students participating in Credit Recovery will be required to complete a minimum number of hours per course (see IHF- Exhibit) with the exception being when students score at least a 70 on a unit pre-test and may exempt that portion of the course. The hours for the exempted unit(s) would then be subtracted from the required minimum hours for completion.