Electronic Communication Devices

The administrative procedure parallels SB39, which prohibits the use of such devices by students during instructional time. Middle and high school principals have the autonomy to allow limited cell phone use in designated common areas/zones within the building.  Teachers will notify students when this type of use is authorized. 

Cell phone use will be limited to listening to music only during breakfast (7:45 a.m. - 8:10 a.m.) and during a student’s assigned lunch period (12:15 p.m.  - 1:55 p.m.) in the designated common zone/area, which at Griffin High School is the cafeteria.  Otherwise, cell phones must be turned off or placed on silent and put away prior to leaving the designated common zone/area. 

Headphones/earbuds may only be worn during the designated common zone/area usage time. 

Our school will display visible signage throughout the building indicating where those common zones/areas are located.  Additionally, students will receive daily reminders about cell phone use during morning announcements. Again, the goal is to ensure that cell phone use does not impact the instructional day, interrupt daily operations or become disruptive.

At the start of each instructional block, teachers will collect student electronic devices to be stored until the end of the instructional block.

The school is not responsible for the security of school-issued or student-owned electronic devices.