Rain or Shine, the GSCS 5K Run/Walk is tomorrow Saturday, March 23, 2024!
Register at the event or https://gofan.co/event/1310884?schoolId=GA5048 or https://gofan.co/event/1310884
Your voice matters! Inviting all GSCS parents, students, staff, and community members to join our FY25 Stakeholder Input Meeting. We are seeking your input regarding the District-Level Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan and District Plan (S-CLIP). See you on March 25th!
Mark your calendars...GSCS Spring Break is April 1-5, 2024. All schools and offices will be closed that week.
See these helpful tips for bus stop and pedestrian safety.
GHS JROTC cadets served their community in a show of patriotism as they supported the 2nd Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment of the Georgia National Guard in the deployment ceremony on Saturday. We are so very proud of each and everyone of them.#BearBattalion #servantleadership #JROTC
March 11-15, 2024, is School Board Appreciation Week! Thank you Griffin-Spalding Board of Education Members for your leadership, support and commitment to the students and staff of the Griffin-Spalding County School System!
The GSCS transportation department is in the Annual Transportation Registration Process that takes place each school term. Our goal is to capture each returning students' transportation needs for the upcoming 2024-2025 school term. Capturing this information ensures that all scholars utilizing the bus can access accurate schedules and stop locations prior to the beginning of the new school term. This information will also be made available at your school’s open house ceremony. An individual request for each student is completed via the Transportation Request Form.
Reminder: Submitted requests are due no later than March 31st, 2024. Forms must be be completed if your student:
1. will need to be transported by school bus AM/PM or Both
2. needs an alternate stop.
*Alternate stop requests are subject to approval and contingent upon seating availability. Alternate stops will only be approved once per semester and can only be AM/PM or Both. We will not honor daily requests. Please note that alternate stops can take up to August 19, 2024 for approval as initial requests are the priority.
Regional Certified Educator Job Fair - April 27. Pre-registration is required: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=9tRcIaRdOEGA-JU3E5xG3u2uuEPY87xCnaSDGo3z4mVUM0RITkk0Q1lJSVFQQVRYSEVLSzZRRTFVNS4u
GSCS school nursing services provided a free community screening event for students registering for Griffin-Spalding County Schools in conjunction with Pre-K registration. They provided free screenings for hearing, vision, nutrition and dental yesterday and will again tomorrow.
The deadline to order your cap and gown is March 31, 2024. Caps and gowns can be ordered via our Herff Jones representative today, March 6th, during all lunches, by going to herffjonesgrad.com, or by calling 1 (800) 837-4235. Caps and Gowns will be distributed during all lunches on the following days:
1st distribution date: April 10th
2nd distribution date: May 8th
*** Balances must be paid in full to receive regalia. If you have any questions, please call or email the GHS Graduation Coach, Dr. Dedrey Elam, at 770-229-3752 ext. 27121 or at dedrey.elam@gscs.org.
GSCS is hiring numerous positions for the 2024-25 school year! Attend our Spring Job Fair on Thursday, March 21, from 4-6 p.m. at GRCCA. Register Now!
The Griffin-Spalding County School System (GSCS) needs your help evaluating parent engagement programs and school quality for the 2023-2024 school year. Please take a few minutes to complete our 2023-2024 Spring Parent Survey, which will help us know how to meet the interests and needs of your family more effectively. Please answer each question as openly and honestly as possible. Your answers will be anonymous. Only one survey should be completed per household. Please use the links below to complete the survey.
English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D2B9R5Y
Spanish: https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/C5ZY37R
It's School Social Work Week! Shout-out to our incredible school social workers who bring their expertise and unique educational background to our schools, creating a positive and inclusive environment for students. Thank you for advocating for student well-being. The difference you make for students and their families is immeasurable! You are the guiding light in our schools! #SSWWeek #PearlsOfWisdom
Today is #MaintenanceWorkerAppreciationDay! Let's give a huge shout-out to these individuals who keep our schools safe, clean and functioning smoothly every single day! Thank you GSCS Maintenance Staff!
March is a busy month with lots of celebrations, events and holidays. Mark your calendars!
#CTAEdelievers @GriffinSpalding GHS Students worked in the fracture lab to create different types of fractures by cutting/breaking carrots. The splint lab, students used wraps to splint a fractured arm. The wound care lab, students used tomatoes to create suture incision.
#CTAEdelievers amazing students in @GriffinSpalding. Demetrius King is a great example!
If you missed our Let’s Talk Stakeholder Meeting click the video link below to review the information. The purpose of the meeting was to gain input on the Comprehensive Needs Assessment and to revise the Continuous School Improvement Plan, School-Parent Compact, and the School Parent and Family Engagement Policy for the upcoming school year. To provide feedback, please click on the link below. Thank you for being our partner in creating a great school and educating great scholars!
Video from meeting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13YSjhGdjd5VfxXKTxGChzWbXhLpRrUFH/view?usp=sharing
Feedback Form: http://tinyurl.com/2h65wx4z
GSCS seeks Gifted Advisory Council members. Please apply by Monday, Feb. 26. Members will meet from March to May to identify areas of strengths and areas of improvement to help guide future practices. Apply at: https://forms.gle/B3S75yr5eDMGGSMy7
All GSCS schools will be closed for President's Day & Winter Break
February, 19-23, 2024.