Course Catalog

The GHS Course Catalogue delivers course sequences, grade level recommendations, and prerequisites. Teachers and counselors have provided this information based on the academic success students have experienced in those content areas. This information is intended to aid students and parents in the decision making process so that each student can achieve maximum academic success.

Course Registration Procedures

Fall registration is completed during the preceding spring, at which time all students meet with their advisors to select courses. Registration proceeds as follows:

  1. Orientation: Registration information is discussed in student advisement, and subject selection sheets are distributed.

  2. Academic Advisement: Students may discuss with their counselor, advisor, teachers, or parents/guardians course selections based on academic performance, future goals, and graduation requirements.

  3. Schedule Changes and Course Offerings: Schedules will only be changed for the following reasons, and they will be completed by the end of the first full week of school. After this time, no schedule changes will be made. Schedule changes made during the initial days of the new school year are based on the following criteria:

    A.    student has an empty period on their schedule;

    B.    student has the same class listed twice on their schedule;

    C.    student has previously taken and received credit for the course listed;

    D.    student has not met the prerequisite;

    E.    student needs a specific course to meet graduation requirements;

    F.     administration adjusts class sizes.

 Only those courses for which there is adequate enrollment and/or faculty will be of­fered . Courses, numbers of sections, and staff assignments are determined on the basis of need; it is imperative, therefore, that students determine which courses are required for graduation. Griffin High School reserves the right to cancel, without prior notification, any course listed in this guide and/or rearrange any prescribed course sequence, and make schedule changes for the purpose of leveling class size and meeting the needs of students.